Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Last Veteran

Walter Washington Williams who claimed to be the last living Confederate veteran died December 19th 1859.

Walter Washington Williams was born in Itawamba County, Mississippi, he said in 1842.

Williams claimed to have served in Confederate General John Bell Hood’s brigade, beginning in 1864 as a forgemaster.  Research into his military service has never been proven, nor even has his age been verified.

When the war ended Williams moved to Texas, where he settled on a farm in Eaton, Texas.

When the rest of the “last Claimants” had died, Williams became celebrated as the “last Confederate veteran”.  Williams died December 19th 1859 in Houston, Texas at the home of his daughter.  The chairman of the Civil War Centennial; Ulysses S Grant III, said the Williams death was an occasion for national mourning, which United States President Dwight D Eisenhower had declared.  He is buried in the Mount Pleasant Church Cemetery in New Baden, Robertson, Texas.  His name is listed on the “Soldiers and Sailors of the Confederacy” monument at the Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Battlefield, with the inscription, “Walter Washington Williams -- who was recognized by the government of the United States as the last surviving Confederate veteran died 1959 at the age of 117 years."


Anonymous said...

His grave isn't in New Baden. It's technically in Franklin, Texas. The Robertson County part is correct. I just visited there today.

BlueFox said...

Death year referenced as 1859, should be 1959.

Donnie Tollett said...

Oldest stolen valor that I've ever seen.

Unknown said...

He wasn't a General, he was allowed that recognition.

Jimbo said...

Ffs, get the date right, do these people get paid for writing this article, disgusting

petunia1354 said...

Yes, they said 1859 TWICE in that short article !!!!! Finally, at the very end of the article the correct year of 1959 was noted. I wish people would PROOF READ -- before posting !!!

petunia1354 said...

I don't believe he was 117 years old !!!! And I believe he was way too young to have been in the CIVIL WAR. !!!! Perhaps he was in the 3.5 month long SPANISH - AMERICAN WAR between APRIL & AUGUST 1898 !!!!

Abby said...

He could have joined at 16.They did that back in the day.

Unknown said...

Also you need to think about the whole age thing. Number one, in that time there was no age limit for joining the war & specially in the South. Men, women & children of all ages faught for their cause & to protect their land & property. Secondly, kids were in listed as drummers in their bands, they carried their country's & regimens flags. Both the United States & the Confederate States.
Also he was 117 when he died. He was Not buried in Texas either. You all need to research the history & the documentation. The Confederacy should have won, we ALL would be better off today!